After an afternoon of cooking, tasting and sharing stories in brasserie Dudok, four winning dishes were selected. The side dishes were served with the Freedom Soup, on May 5, which was created this year by The Hague TV chef Nick Toet; grandma's tomato soup with an Asian twist of miso, spring onion.
The candidates consisted of six adults and children from group 8 of KC Diamant Ukraine school. A nice mix of residents of The Hague, which made for a colorful diversity in the side dishes. The side dishes from The Hague that were served with the Freedom Soup this year are:
Two recipes from the children of KC Diamant Ukraine school:
Compote lemonade and ' Deruny'. The Compote lemonade is a drink made from cherry and apple and will be served after the meal on May 5th. Deruny are traditional Ukrainian potato pancakes, made from grated potatoes, onions and garlic. These savory pancakes are loved for their crispy outside, soft inside and are served with sour cream.A Rainbow Sally salad, by Maria Tichelaar. A colorful and tasty dish, consisting of red cabbage, carrot, beetroot, spring onion, white cabbage, cucumber, radish, sesame seeds and a dressing of miso and vegan mayo, topped with coriander. A party on your plate.
Finally, an edamame kale dip by Mayura Thawornpradit . Easy to prepare and eat. A multicultural mix of ingredients, fitting the city of The Hague.
Winners of The Hague Hap competition announced
The candidates cooked their dish on Monday 8 April and presented it to a four-member jury. This jury consists of gourmets Ivo Jong (ROC Mondriaan), Tjeerd Vrij (The Hague Historical Museum/ Museum Quarter The Hague) and Lotte and Rosa (caterer Haagse Hapjes).
The jury tasted and discussed whether the dishes are easy to prepare for a large group and whether they combine well with the Freedom Soup.
Joke, Anita, Avantina, Priya and Joanne made a side dish for the Freedom Soup in 2023. In the Soepstories of The Hague Finest they tell about their dish. Food blogger Priya : “For me, food is also a form of freedom.”
This salad is very quick to make and delicious! It has everything… fresh, earthy tones, textures and very healthy. Multiple worlds in one bowl. Quite easy to make but a taste explosion! Looks great on a table full of delicious dishes. Eating is freedom, freedom to show who you are in a dish and while eating everyone is equal.